Our Sacramento Dental Blog

3 Facts You Should Know About Dental Implants in Sacramento

When you live with a compromised tooth, it affects every aspect of your life. Eating and chewing become a challenge, making it difficult to eat the healthy foods you used to enjoy. Talking and smiling become embarrassing, which can affect your personal and professional relationships. The good new is that…
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Your Dentist in Sacramento Can Relieve Annoying Jaw Sticking

When you wake up in the morning, does your day start off roughly because of your aching jaws? Rolling over and telling your spouse “good morning” isn’t even enjoyable anymore—more like painful. This is a common symptom of temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ disorder), which is caused by a misaligned bite.…
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How Long Do Dental Implants in Sacramento Last?

Living with tooth loss significantly decreases your quality of life as you lose confidence and can no longer enjoy simple tasks, like eating and speaking. You could choose a traditional option to replace your missing teeth, like dentures; however, they will never fully look or feel like natural teeth. Not…
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Don’t Forget an Oral Cancer Screening with Your Dentist in Sacramento

You may not know it, but there is a bigger threat to your oral health than just tooth decay and gum disease. More than 49,000 people are diagnosed with an oral or oropharyngeal cancer each year. To raise awareness about the risks of the cancer, the month of April is…
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Questions to Ask before Getting Invisalign in Sacramento

Unrestricted eating, simple oral hygiene and a virtually invisible appearance–these features and more make Invisalign aligners a clear option for older teens and adults desiring straight smiles. Who wouldn’t want healthy, attractive teeth without the discomfort and lengthy treatment times common to conventional braces? That’s why Dr. A. Scott Grivas…
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Durable Smile Rehabilitation: Dental Implants in Sacramento

Some teeth are lost due to poor dental hygiene and some causes are things out of our patient’s control like natural causes. Despite how they lost their teeth, dental implants are a way to give our patients their life back. If you have lost teeth, either through natural reasons or…
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Cosmetic Dentist in Sacramento can Brighten Your Smile for the New Year

If you’ve decided that 2017 is the year you’re going to achieve your goals, we want to assure you that Dr. Scott Grivas and Dr. Will Koet are here to help! How will your dentist help you achieve your goals, you may be asking? Cosmetic dentistry is the answer. A…
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Dentist in Sacramento Tells What to Do in an Emergency

If you have severe toothache pain or sustain an oral injury from a fall, sports or auto accident, contact your emergency dentists in Sacramento, Dr. A. Scott Grivas and Dr. Will Koett Jr. Quick action can save your smile. Contact Your Dentist in Sacramento Contact A. Scott Grivas III DDS…
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Restore Your Smile with Dental Implants in Sacramento

A few times a year, you and your friends like to treat yourselves to a nice dinner at Ruth’s Chris Steakhouse. You usually order the filet, and it’s always divine. Tonight is the night you were supposed to go, but you cancelled. You can’t remember the excuse you gave your…
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Dentist in Sacramento Tells Signs of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is more than bothersome snoring. It’s a potentially dangerous sleep disorder that steals adequate oxygen, rest and overall good health. Sacramento dentists, Dr. A. Scott Grivas III and Dr. Will Koett Jr., want patients to understand the signs of sleep apnea. Plus, they offer innovative and effective solutions.…
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