Our Sacramento Dental Blog

Cosmetic Dentist in Sacramento Enhances Smiles with Invisalign

Who wouldn’t want a straighter, healthier smile without the hassle and discomforts of metal wire and bracket braces? Cosmetic dentist in Sacramento,  A. Scott Grivas DMD,  and his associate, Dr. Will Koett Jr., qualify older teens and adults for Invisalign clear aligners. This innovative orthodontic system enhances smiles with mild…
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Treating TMJ with Neuromuscular Dentistry

When the temporomandibular joint functions incorrectly, TMJ or TMD disorders develop. TMJ is a painful condition that produces a wide range of symptoms and complications. Due to the temporomandibular joint and adjoining muscles functioning incorrectly, the jaw doesn’t move properly. As a result, the movement of the jaw can become…
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Dental Implants in Sacramento: Right for You?

Dental implants in Sacramento provide the ultimate in stability for a denture, bridge, or crown. The dental implant is a tiny titanium cylinder that acts like a prosthetic root for the tooth replacement that is connected on top. Modern dental implants are highly effective, with a 95 percent success rate…
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The Benefits of CEREC Crowns in Sacramento

Accidents, damage, fractures, or root canals can all cause the need for dental crowns, and while a crown is the best way to restore the integrity of your tooth, many patients are frustrated by the process it takes to get a crown completed. All of that is changing however, with…
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Cracks, Chips or Uneven Teeth? Porcelain Veneers Can Help!

When you look in the mirror, do you like the smile you see? If chips, cracks, and uneven teeth are hurting the appearance of your smile, we have the solution you need. Porcelain veneers allow you to hide the cosmetic flaws that are hurting the appearance of your smile using…
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What Causes TMJ?

TMJ is a disorder that occurs in the temporomandibular joint, which is the hinge joint that connects your jaw to the temporal bone of the skull on each side of the ear. TMJ is a temporomandibular disorder (TMD) that can result in pain and discomfort. There are multiple causes of…
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TMJ Treatment with Neuromuscular Techniques

Welcome to our brand new blog! Dr. Grivas and his whole team are excited to have this avenue as a way to bring you the very latest information about our practice and your oral health. This is just one aspect of our commitment to improving the smiles of all our…
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